The Queen's Medical Center - Mental/Behavioral Health Services
The Queen's Medical Center is Hawaii's largest private hospital, and the leading medical referral center in the Pacific Basin. Queen's offers a comprehensive range of primary and specialized services.

Mental/Behavioral Health Services
The Queen's Medical Center
1301 Punchbowl St
Honolulu HI 96813
Tel: 808 538-9011

The Queen's Medical Center provides mental/behavioral health services to the people of Hawaii by providing a comprehensive continuum of services. In collaboration with family members and community organizations, we facilitate outcome and evidence based treatment for patients in the most appropriate treatment setting. Inpatient and outpatient services are available. We aspire to create an environment which promotes growth and independence for patients, families, and care givers alike.

The Queen's Medical Centers Behavioral Health Services has demonstrated for over 50 years the ability and commitment to provide psychiatric treatment for adults. Since 1998, the Medical Center has provided inpatient acute and residential behavioral health services for adolescents throughout the State.

Queen's Mental/Behavioral Health Services is located off-campus in the Kaheiheimalie Building on the corner of Nuuanu and Vineyard Streets (formerly known as the Chock Pang Building).
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